News and Upcoming Events for June and July 2022

This summer is turning incredibly busy in so many different ways and I am super excited about all of it. Below is some exciting news and information about my upcoming events for the rest of June and all of July.


I have a new website! I have been wanting to do a complete re-design of my website for over a year, but never quite got around to doing it. Well, earlier this month I finally took the time I needed to accomplish this goal, and I am so happy that I did! I really like the cleaner, simpler, more focused format of the new design. Please, take a look and let you know what you think. homepage

Upcoming Events

  • June 21, 2022: Official launch of the new Backyard Ecology YouTube channel!
    • As part of Backyard Ecology’s National Pollinator Week celebration, we are launching a new YouTube channel!
    • The YouTube channel will include fun shorts (videos that are 60 seconds or less), profiles of different plants and animals, habitat and landscaping tips, trail camera compilations, and much more.
    • We already have several shorts and trail camera compilations on the channel.
    • Sometime this week, we’ll be uploading at least one profile video.

Interested in Having Me Speak to Your Group?

I’m actively booking in-person and virtual speaking engagements, community events, and field days / workshops for 2022 and 2023. If you are interested in having me speak at an upcoming meeting or event, please contact me to discuss fees and availability.

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