Current Books

Attract Pollinators and Wildlife to Your Yard: 15 Free and Easy Ways
Attract Pollinators and Wildlife to Your Yard: 15 Free and Easy Ways offers simple, straight forward action steps or “quick wins” that you can easily do and which will have immediate impacts for pollinators and wildlife.
C 2022, 45 pages, Soft cover
Why I wrote this book
I kept running into people who were interested in making their yards more pollinator or wildlife friendly, but weren’t sure where to start. They were feeling overwhelmed. And let’s face it – patience is not a virtue that many of us have any longer. We all seek some form of instant gratification.
So, the idea of simply “plant this and wait for it to grow” wasn’t the most appealing prospect. I also know how valuable quick wins can be for gaining confidence and momentum, especially when just starting out. My goal with this book was to share some of the easy actions people can take that will allow them to quickly make a difference.
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Plants Honey Bees Use in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys
Plants Honey Bees Use in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys is the first book to focus on the plants used by honey bees in the states containing the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys (AL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MS, NC, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV). This book was written as a guide for anyone who is interested in honey bees.
C 2018, 302 pages, Hard cover
Why I wrote this book
This is the book that I wanted when my husband and I started beekeeping. Two of my first questions were “What plants do honey bees use in Kentucky?” and “What can I plant to create more bee forage?”
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find much information that wasn’t either 100 years old or written at a national scale. I wanted something more recent and more specific to my area, because how much honey bees use a given type of plant can vary widely within a state, not to mention at a national scale.
I soon found out that many of my beekeeping and non-beekeeping friends were looking for a similar book, but also weren’t finding it. Since none of us could find the type of book we were looking for, I decided to write the book.
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Future Books
I am currently working on a book about gardening for monarchs in the eastern U.S. I also have working outlines for two more books.
Subscribe to my news and events emails to find out when my new books will be coming out. You can also choose whether you want to subscribe to my Backyard Ecology e-mails at the same time.

Backyard Ecology
I offer a wealth of free content through my Backyard Ecology blog. These resources are focused on the nature that people in the eastern U.S. can find in their own yards and communities.
Common topics and subjects include:
- Native plant profiles.
- Spotlights of common pollinators and wildlife.
- Tips for attracting pollinators and wildlife.
- Discoveries and observations from my own property and local community.