Attract Pollinators and Wildlife to Your Yard: 15 Free and Easy Ways


This book is written for anyone who wants to attract more pollinators and wildlife to their yard, but is feeling a little overwhelmed about what to do next.

  • In this book, I discuss 15 free and easy “quick wins” to begin making your yard more pollinator and wildlife friendly.
  • I am a wildlife biologist whose mission is to help people discover the nature around them so they can appreciate and create space for their local pollinators, wildlife, and native plants.

Book details:

  • 45 pgs
  • softcover

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Do you love nature?

Do you want your yard to be an oasis for pollinators and wildlife?

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed and not quite sure where to start?

I can help.

I am a wildlife biologist whose mission is to help people discover the nature around them so they can appreciate and create space for their local pollinators, wildlife, and native plants. In this book, I discuss 15 free and easy “quick wins” to begin making your yard more pollinator and wildlife friendly.

Quick wins are so important, because they help us gain momentum and confidence before we tackle larger projects that may take longer to implement. They also help us see that this really is doable. The good news is that often just doing a few little things can make a big difference for our local pollinators and wildlife.

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  • Use the notes section available during checkout if you want me to autograph your book for you.
  • Please tell me if you want it made to you, to someone else, or just signed.