News and Upcoming Events for April 2023


I’ve partnered with Lost River Cave to host 6 native plant sales and give 3 presentations there this year. The presentations will be free for members of Lost River Cave and $10 each for non-members. Contact Lost River Cave to register or become a member of the park.

First, I want to say a big “thank you” to the Southern Appalachian Plant Society for inviting me to speak with them at their March meeting. I was honored to be your guest speaker and enjoyed meeting everyone.

April is going to be an amazing month! In addition to looking for and enjoying all the first of year birds and plants that are showing up again, I have several events planned for April. Two of them are presentations (both in Bowling Green) and two are native plant sales (one in Bowling Green and one in Madisonville, KY). Details on April’s upcoming events and plant sales can be found below. I hope to see you at one of them.

Anthony and I are also getting closer to announcing a top secret project we’re working on. We hope to share it with everyone towards the end of April / first of May. (We’d love to do it during Earth Week, but that might be pushing things a bit.) If you want to be among the first to hear about the project, make sure you are receiving either our Backyard Ecology emails or Busy Bee Nursery and Consulting emails (If you receive our Gardening for Pollinators and Wildlife newsletter, then you are subscribed to the Busy Bee emails.)

May is also shaping up to be a fun month, but I’ll have more on that in next month’s newsletter.

Upcoming Events

Below are the upcoming events I have scheduled for April. You can always find any late additions or other upcoming events by checking my full events calendar.

Bowling Green’s Current Topics Club – presentation
Lost River Cave Earth Day Celebration – Native Plant Sale and Presentation
Pennyroyal Master Gardeners’ Spring Lawn and Garden Fair

Interested in Having Me Speak to Your Group?

I’m actively booking in-person and virtual speaking engagements, keynotes, community events, and field days / workshops for 2023. If you are interested in having me speak at an upcoming meeting or event, please contact me to discuss fees and availability.

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